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Nouveautés sur "International Viewpoint" (4è Internationale)


  • Kobani, the Kurdish issue and the Syrian revolution, a common destiny

    13 October, by Joseph Daher

    The city of Kobani, which is in its great majority inhabited by Kurdish people, in Syria has been under direct threat for several weeks from the Islamic State (IS). Since the beginning of the IS offensive on 16 September 2014, more than 550 people have died, including 298 IS militants, 236 Kurdish fighters and around twenty civilians. More than 12 000 civilians still remain in some sections of the city of Kobani, while the IS offensive on Kobani and its surrounding villages has led to the forced displacement of about 200,000 people.

  • The massacre in Gaza - Hamas has emerged victorious, but at what cost!

    12 October, by Michel Warschawski

    As this article is being written [August 2014], the truce and the talks for a cease-fire have broken down, as a result, once again, of a deliberate Israeli provocation (the attempted assassination of the military commander Mohammed Deif, which failed but caused the deaths of several civilians, including his wife and young daughter). It is however likely that when the article is published, an agreement will have been signed: in fact, everyone is interested in ending this round, but not before having fired the last salvo with the sole purpose of proclaiming, "We won!" On this question - who won? - I will return later on in my analysis.

  • A call in support of Kobanê, against Turkish buffer zone

    11 October

    The Women’s Initiative for Peace (based in Turkey) is calling on everyone to take a stand against Turkey´s proposal of creating a buffer zone in Syria. The statement can be read in full below.

  • Syria and the international coalition intervention

    10 October, by Joseph Daher

    In recent weeks we have seen the establishment of an USA led International coalition also composed of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands and Jordan to launch a joint military operation, on Syrian territory, with the tacit support of the Assad regime as we will see, against Daech (also known as the Islamic State (ISIL). Several levels of analysis are needed to understand the dynamics of this intervention.


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