Self-presentation: The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) Self-presentation of the CEMB taken from its website, October 14, 2016.
Manifesto of the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
We, non-believers, atheists, and ex-Muslims, are establishing or joining the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain to insist that no one be pigeonholed as Muslims (...) -
SyriaProgressives Except for Syria? – The left’s hollow anti-imperialism over Syria
The inability of many leftists to see past outdated narratives on Syria has galvanised the rise of reactionary nativism in the West.
Over the last week, some members of the Twitter bubble argued over the left’s response to the ongoing Syrian crisis. I took part in it, if only briefly and (...) -
SyriaSyria is the World: On the Failures of Leftist Internationalism
“But then came Syria, and my hypocrisy and the fragility of those ideals became exposed,” wrote Palestinian activist Budour Hassan in her latest brilliant piece entitled “how the Syrian Revolution has transformed me” .
For those familiar with the situation in Syria, and in particular with the (...) -
History, societyIn memory: The life and work of anarchist Omar Aziz, and his impact on self-organization in the Syrian revolution
Omar Aziz (fondly known by friends as Abu Kamel) was born in Damascus. He returned to Syria from exile in Saudi Arabia and the United States in the early days of the Syrian revolution. An intellectual, economist, anarchist, husband and father, at the age of 63, he committed himself to the (...)
SyrieEcrivains, artistes et journalistes syriens dénoncent les politiques américaine et russe
Suite à l’accord intervenu, vendredi 9 septembre à Genève, entre Russes et Américains qui prévoit l’application d’une « trêve » en Syrie et une coopération militaire inédite entre les deux puissances, des personnalités culturelles et journalistiques se mobilisent.
Nous, soussignés, écrivains, artistes et (...) -
SyriaSolidarity Statement – On The Allies We’re Not Proud Of: A Palestinian Response to Troubling Discourse on Syria
We, the undersigned Palestinians, write to affirm our commitment to the amplification of Syrian voices as they endure slaughter and displacement at the hands of Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. We are motivated by our deep belief that oppression, in all of its manifestations, should be the primary (...)
EconomieTunisie : Jemna, ou la résistance d’une communauté dépossédée de ses terres agricoles
La loi peut-elle supplanter la légitimité ?
Depuis quelques semaines les tunisiens dirigent leurs regards vers une petite oasis appelée Jemna située dans le désert tunisien, quelque part entre les oasis de Kebili, au nord, et celles de Douz, au sud[1].
Certains, notamment du côté du gouvernement, (...) -
History, societyChallenging the Nation State in Syria – Lessons from “those who are creating new ways of organizing in the most difficult of circumstances and those who are currently facing annihilation”
Syria’s current borders were drawn up by imperial map makers a hundred years ago in the midst of World War I as part of a secret accord between France and Britain to divide the Mideast spoils of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. As the colonial state gave way to the post-independence state, power was (...)
History, societySyria and the World: Reactionarism is Back, and Progressing – On the antiquated that penetrates our present
There is something deeply atavistic about the course that the Syrian conflict has taken. Its latest developments, in particular, take us back to a time prior to the formation of the contemporary Syrian entity at the end of the First World War – indeed back to the nineteenth century or earlier. (...)
Mouvements palestiniensTerritoires palestiniens : une occupation normalisée ? – La réalité des rapports de forces
La Cisjordanie, Jérusalem et la bande de Gaza sont soumises au régime de l’occupation depuis 1967...
Ni les accords d’Oslo (1993-1994) ni le « retrait unilatéral » de Gaza (2005) n’ont modifié cet état de fait : c’est l’État d’Israël qui contrôle ces territoires, soit par une présence directe (Jérusalem et (...) -
HistoireIsraël aujourd’hui : l’héritage des années Shimon Peres
Entre « l’homme de guerre et l’homme de paix », comme a titré Libération, c’est bien le second qui a largement dominé dans les médias. Peres n’a pas observé l’évolution de son pays depuis une résidence d’où il profitait de sa retraite politique. Jusqu’au bout, il a été acteur au premier plan...
De 1970 à (...)